VERRU: The Planet of Wart$

In the outer reaches of the solar system, beyond the moons of Jupiter, lies a relatively unknown celestial body once referred to as Lysithea. Long considered an insignificant satellite orbiting the gas giant, it became the site of a remarkable and disturbing event that has puzzled astronomers and astrobiologists alike.

The incident began when an ice asteroid collided with Lysithea. This collision, though seemingly random, resulted in the detachment of a peculiar, hairy growth from the moon’s surface. The mass, originally frozen and inert, was flung into space, drifting for an indeterminate amount of time before entering an orbit around the Sun.

As the object approached the inner solar system, the solar radiation began to thaw its frozen surface. Beneath the ice, an ecosystem of ancient bacteria, likely dormant for millions of years, came to life. Feeding on the nutrients within the hairy mass, these microorganisms began a rapid, aggressive expansion. What was once a small, insignificant fragment soon transformed into something far more disturbing.

The object—now referred to as Verru—grew at an alarming rate, accumulating cosmic dust, debris, and organic material. As it expanded, its surface became covered in bizarre, fleshy protrusions that multiplied uncontrollably. These growths, now known as Wart$, took on increasingly complex forms, and soon, they began to display unusual behavior.

The Wart$ are not mere biological anomalies. They exhibit patterns of activity that suggest a primitive form of consciousness. Individual Wart$ have been observed moving, pulsating, and, in some cases, appearing to interact with one another. Their expansion is not random; they seem to grow in clusters, almost as if they are responding to an unspoken command or instinct. Despite the lack of any known nervous system or centralized brain, these Wart$ display signs of coordinated behavior.

The most unsettling aspect of this phenomenon is the rate at which Verru continues to expand. The bacteria feeding on the organic matter within the Wart$ seem to be multiplying exponentially, accelerating the planet’s growth. As the planet increases in mass, so does the number of Wart$. Scientists monitoring Verru have noted that its mass has doubled in just a few years, with projections indicating that the rate of expansion could increase even further. What began as a moon-sized object is quickly becoming a massive entity, potentially on course to becoming a full-fledged planet.

Attempts to study the surface of Verru have been met with difficulty. Unmanned probes sent to investigate have experienced malfunction, as if the dense microbial life surrounding the Wart$ is somehow interfering with their systems. High-resolution imagery has captured disturbing visuals of the Wart$ multiplying across the planet’s surface, spreading like a disease. The colorations and formations vary wildly, but they share one common feature: they are growing, and they are spreading.

There are concerns within the scientific community that Verru’s expansion could pose a serious risk to nearby celestial bodies. With its increasing gravitational pull and rapidly expanding mass, there are fears that it could eventually disrupt the orbits of smaller moons or asteroids. Even more alarming is the possibility that Verru might one day enter a collision course with larger planets or, worse, be drawn closer to Earth.

The origin of the bacteria that fuel this grotesque expansion remains a mystery. It is possible that these organisms are remnants from an earlier period in our solar system’s history, or perhaps they originated from an entirely different part of the galaxy, arriving on Lysithea through an asteroid or comet. Whatever their source, it is clear that they possess extraordinary resilience and an almost viral ability to adapt and proliferate.

At present, the planet of Wart$ continues to grow unchecked, and no viable solution has been proposed to halt its expansion. Scientists remain divided—some believe the phenomenon may burn itself out, that the bacteria will eventually exhaust their resources and die off. Others fear that Verru could continue its growth indefinitely, feeding off cosmic debris and expanding its reach until it becomes an undeniable presence within the solar system.

For now, the planet of Wart$ remains a curiosity, an object of horror and fascination in equal measure. But as it multiplies, becoming more massive by the day, one must wonder how long it will remain a distant anomaly. Its expansion shows no signs of slowing, and with every new Wart$ that emerges, it becomes harder to dismiss Verru as a mere aberration of nature.

The planet is feeding, growing. And it is only a matter of time before the rest of the solar system is forced to confront its presence.

Verru - Planet of the Wart$ - I Got Wart$ an NFT Project by Andy Warthog
Verru Planet With Wart$ - Andy Warthog NFT Collection
I Got Wart$ - Promo Wart$ - An NFT Collection by Andy Warthog


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